Estimate simulation parameters for the Lun simulation from a real dataset.

lunEstimate(counts, params = newLunParams())

# S3 method for SingleCellExperiment
lunEstimate(counts, params = newLunParams())

# S3 method for matrix
lunEstimate(counts, params = newLunParams())



either a counts matrix or an SingleCellExperiment object containing count data to estimate parameters from.


LunParams object to store estimated values in.


LunParams object containing the estimated parameters.


The nGenes and nCells parameters are taken from the size of the input data. No other parameters are estimated. See LunParams for more details on the parameters.


# Load example data library(scater) set.seed(1) sce <- mockSCE() params <- lunEstimate(sce) params
#> A Params object of class LunParams #> Parameters can be (estimable) or [not estimable], 'Default' or 'NOT DEFAULT' #> Secondary parameters are usually set during simulation #> #> Global: #> (GENES) (CELLS) [Seed] #> 2000 200 121054 #> #> 9 additional parameters #> #> Mean: #> [Rate] [Shape] #> 2 2 #> #> Counts: #> [Dispersion] #> 0.1 #> #> Groups: #> [GROUPS] [GROUP CELLS] #> 1 200 #> #> Diff expr: #> [Genes] [Up Prop] [Up FC] [Down FC] #> 1000 0.5 5 0 #>