Simulate counts from cluster in two conditions using the SparseDC method.

sparseDCSimulate(params = newSparseDCParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...)



SparseDCParams object containing simulation parameters.


logical. Whether to print progress messages


any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in params.


SingleCellExperiment containing simulated counts


This function is just a wrapper around sim_data that takes a SparseDCParams, runs the simulation then converts the output from log-expression to counts and returns a SingleCellExperiment object. The original simulated log-expression values are returned in the LogExprs assay. See sim_data and the SparseDC paper for more details about how the simulation works.


Campbell K, Yau C. Uncovering genomic trajectories with heterogeneous genetic and environmental backgrounds across single-cells and populations. bioRxiv (2017).

Barron M, Zhang S, Li J. A sparse differential clustering algorithm for tracing cell type changes via single-cell RNA-sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research (2017).

Paper: 10.1093/nar/gkx1113


if (requireNamespace("SparseDC", quietly = TRUE)) { sim <- sparseDCSimulate() }
#> Simulating counts...
#> Creating final dataset...